Details on Ph.D. Programmes
The PGIS offers postgraduate research programmes leading to the award of Degree of Master of Philosophy (M.Phil.) and Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), which involve course work and research in selected areas of study. The medium of instruction shall be English. A candidate may normally register for an M.Phil./Ph.D. Degree programme in a chosen field of study with the approval of the relevant Board of Study.
General Information
A student registering for a degree of Master of Philosophy or Doctor of Philosophy in the Postgraduate Institute of Science shall be required to pursue his/her studies at a university, research institute or any other recognized institution under the guidance of a supervisor/s appointed by the PGIS with the concurrence of the relevant Board of Study.
Full-time and Part-time students
A full-timestudent shall be a person duly registered for an M.Phil./Ph.D. degree programme and engaged in research and related activities at least during the normal working hours of the week. According to SLQF guidelines, a full-time research student should spend 3000 notional hours per year for research and related activities. Therefore, those who are employed are required to obtain leave of absence from their work places in order to be eligible for registration under this category. Those who are unable to fulfil the above requirement are advised to register as a part-time student.
A part-time student shall be a person duly registered for an M.Phil./Ph.D. degree programme who should spend at least 1500 notional hours per year for research and related activities.
Admission Requirements
Minimum Requirements for Registration:
a B.Sc. Special Degree (SLQF L6), PG Certificate (SLQF L7), Diploma (SLQF L8) or Masters Degree (SLQF L9) with a GPA ≥ 3.0 from a university/institution recognised by the UGC, provided that an independent study with a research component has been completed satisfactorily or
an M.Sc. Degree (SLQF L10) or an M.Phil. Degree (SLQF L11) from a university/institution recognised by the UGC or
a transfer from an M.Phil. Degree (SLQF L11) Programme conducted by the PGIS or
any other equivalent qualification acceptable to the PGIS
- Any other requirement/s as stipulated by the relevant Board of Study
Application Procedure
Application forms can be downloaded from the pgis website. When submitting, the application forms should accompany a processing fee of Rs. 2000/-.
Mode of Payment of Processing Fee (Rs. 2000/-):
(i) Deposit to the PGIS A/C No. 0081041788 at Bank of Ceylon, Peradeniya;
(ii) By cheque made in favour of ‘Postgraduate Institute of Science’;
(iii) By cash: Accepted only at the shroff counter of the PGIS.
Applications are entertained from prospective students by the PGIS throughout the year. Every application for enrolment must be made in duplicate on the prescribed forms which can be downloaded from the PGIS website. Duly completed application form should be forwarded to the Assistant Registrar of the PGIS. Only applications complete with relevant documents (See guidelines given in the application) will be processed. The application processing fee (Rs. 2000/-) should be paid at the time of submission of the application.
Plese refer the PGIS Student Handbook for more information